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Granada Little League

Granada Little League

Umpire Contacts

Granada Little League utilizes parents, managers, coaches, and responsible youths for its Umpires in single-A and above divisions.  For information on how to apply to be an umpire and other umpire resources.
Contact: Umpire In Chief - Email

Volunteer and Team Specific Rules

We highly value our volunteers at Granada Little League, thank you for your service! If you have any questions about getting involved, please reach out. Background Checks are done through JDP. All volunteers need to be vetted and need to send all the JDP certificates to the Safety Officer. Contact: Craig Freeman -  Email

Team Manager (1 per team)

Roles and responsibilities of the team managers include:

  • Teach and demonstrate good sportsmanship by respecting the rules, opponents, and officials
  • Refrain from the use of insulting, embarrassing, foul, or abusive language
  • Be a good role model
  • Have the understanding, patience, and the capacity to work with children in the age group of the division.
  • Attendance at mandatory manager/coaching clinics and GLL training
  • Accountability for actions of the team (parents, players, coaches)
  • Responsible for understanding, complying with, and enforcing all GLL and Little League rules, regulations, and policies
  • Practice planning & game preparations
  • Discipline and personnel moves
  • Return all issued equipment at the end of the season in good and clean condition

Team Parent (1 per team)
Primary Responsibilities

  • Direct point of contact between the league, managers, and parents to distribute information
  • Assists manager in coordinating volunteers for other roles
  • Coordinates team pictures
  • Set up and manage team  site
  • Collect snack shack tickets
  • Coordinates raffle basket
  • Plan additional team events (end-of-season party, etc)

Assistant Coaches (2-3 per team)
Roles and responsibilities of coaches on the team include:

  • Teach and demonstrate good sportsmanship by respecting the rules, opponents, and officials
  • Refrain from the use of insulting, embarrassing, foul, or abusive language
  • Be a good role model
  • Have the understanding, patience, and the capacity to work with children in the age group of the division
  • Attendance at mandatory manager/coaching clinics and GLL training
  • Responsible for understanding, complying with, and enforcing all GLL and Little League rules, regulations, and policies
  • Skill instruction (pitching, hitting, fielding)
  • Player Skills development training (ground balls, fly balls, batting practice)
  • Pre-game dugout set up
  • Field preparation and cleanup
  • Manage the team in the absence of the Team Manager
  • Assist the Team Manager where/when needed with team activities

Scorekeeper (3 or more per team) Single-A through Majors
Roles and responsibilities of the scorekeeper include:
The Home Team- provides a scorekeeper for Gamechanger
The Away Team- provides a scorekeeper for pitch count and to run the scoreboard

  • Keeping the official score and/or pitch count at each game
  • Scorekeepers are also responsible for the safety of the kids and will notify the umpire when they have reached their number of pitches limit
  • Attending scorekeeping and/or GameChanger clinic
  • Get to enjoy the best seat from the score both
    gll scorekeeper training book 2023.pdf

Field Prep Crew (1-2 per team)
Roles and responsibilities of the Field Prep Crew include:

  • Supporting Assistant Coaches in preparing fields before each game
  • Supporting Assistant Coaches in preparing fields before and after each practice
  • Attending field prep clinic
  • Ensures all field equipment is returned at the end of the game

Umpires (1-2 per team)
Roles and responsibilities of the Field Prep Crew include:

Granada Little League utilizes parents, managers, coaches, and responsible youths for its Umpires in single-A and above divisions.  For information on how to apply to be an umpire and other umpire resources, please contact our Umpire In Chief at [email protected]

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